
Monthly Archives: September 2010

Sunday Morning Coming Down

There is no person, no family, no friend who is able to remove the loneliness resulting from a powerlessness to change, to lead you to any lasting fulfillment, to give you genuine satisfaction in your existence, nor to give hope in an unknown future. Death, especially, is a great dread.

Who Did I Say That I Am?

Jesus is the suffering servant of Isaiah 53, led as a lamb to the slaughter, silent before His accusers. He is also the One in Revelation with a voice like the sound of rushing waters in the midst of a description of which Spurgeon says it is impossible to make a graven image.

A Daunting Book

Get your vision and your mind on the Lord’s final exclamation: “Behold, I am coming soon! Finally, consider if you truly empathize with John’s passionate response to the Lord’s promise: “Even so. Come, Lord Jesus!

Look…and Listen

The rebellious Israelites in the Sinai had but one means of surviving their painful and deadly snake bites and living to tell about it. Every one of us right now has only one means of experiencing the power of God unto salvation and escaping a fiery hell: the message of the cross!

Does This Promise Make Any Sense?

Our problems, questions, and consternation with God’s providence and plans arise primarily from myopic vision in two areas: (1) We fail to see beyond this world to what lies “over Jordan and consequently view this world in that light (or rather, darkness); and (2) we fail to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, to understand what God is about in our lives now.

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