
Monthly Archives: December 2010

Post-Christmas Blues?

The passing of Christmas 2010 means for believers that the Second Coming is nearer and is near. In the truest perspective “the Judge is at the door, our Bridegroom is on his way, and our life in 2011 should reflect our meditation on that glorious truth. If in the New Year “the curtain rings down on you individually or on the entire world, will you be prepared to go out to meet Him?

Advent: Foolishness or Mystery?

Not only is the message of the cross foolishness to the scholars of this world, so is the story of the nativity; God becoming flesh that he might save men and women, young and old, even babes in the womb who have not seen the light of day. I never would have believed it if I did not see with my own eyes the furious, raging frustration today in those who consider themselves the “brilliant minds of the world, as they “pull out their hair over Christmas celebration in the public square, or anything smelling of Christianity, offending their “scientific nostrils and “superior minds to no end.

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