
Monthly Archives: August 2011


The Paul Anderson Youth Home was founded 50 years ago by Paul and Glenda Anderson, who professed faith in Jesus Christ as the only means of enjoying a restored relationship with God. That faith foundation has proved to be strong and true. In fact, the only way we are able »

Overcoming the Anticlimactic

Those six words capture well the hardest challenge to living life Christianly or well. Life is made up of anticipations, preparations, concentrations, determinations toward one or another future event: a project, a vacation, a test, a performance, a feat to be conquered. It finally comes and then, it passes. What comes next?

The Jesus Prayer

This is a prayer that can be thought (prayed) in your mind even when you are in conversation with others. Very possibly such a thought-prayer will sanctify your part of the conversation to bring blessing and truth into another’s life.

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